Save the date for Snoop’s birthday 2025!
In 2025, Snoop will be 25 years old! Saturday 16th August will be a celebration – save the date.
We are excited to be able to let you know that our Christmas Fair is taking place on Saturday 30th November from 11 am to 3 pm. Join us for music, games, Christmas food and of course, the opportunity for some shopping. There are tables available if you would like to run your own stall. […]
Have a read of the latest news from Snoop, including reports from the different services, spotlight on a team member and more! Click on the picture to read more
Could you help us get a fantastic selection of prizes ready for our Summer Fair? The event is on Saturday 31st August from 11 am to 3 pm (see separate post) and we are hoping to run a tombola stall, and sell tickets for a raffle. Both are great ways of raising funds towards providing […]