Join Snoop’s 25 for 25 Challenge!

Can you pledge to  raise £250 for SNOOP in the year 2025?

If 100 people raised £250 we would reach our  £25,000  community  fundraising  target for the year!

Here are some ideas:

  • Save all your 50p, £1.00 or £2.00 coins
  • Have one no spend day a week
  • Do a sponsored walk, walk 2.5 mile in a day or try 25 miles in a week
  • Do a birthday fundraiser
  • Complete some Superhero Challenges
  • Hold a pamper night
  • Complete an exercise challenge Sell some of your old toys and clothes
  • Organise a bake sale
  • Or anything else you can think of!

You can choose to do one big challenge or  a  few  smaller  challenges. You can do this on your own or in a group  with  your  family  and  friends.

You can find more information and help with your challenges here

To sign up to the challenge and get your fundraising pack, speak to Jenny. 01274 292126