Contact Us

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Find Us


Newlands House one

Inspire Bradford Business Park, Newlands Way, Eccleshill

Bradford, BD10 0JE

01274 292126

Opening times

Monday – Friday

Term Time: 3pm – 6pm

School Holiday: 8am – 6pm


Chillin Zone

Tuesday only
Term Time: 6pm – 8pm

Term Time

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9am – 5pm

Tues: 10am – 4pm

Thurs: 2pm – 6pm

Thurs: 3pm – 6pm

School Holiday,
Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm

Work with us

Staff Opportunities


We welcome anyone who is passionate about making a difference to the lives of people we work with.

We work with full, part time Staff and volunteers, all who are dedicated to supporting our young adults.

In return we offer the chance to develop new skills, build experience, make friends and be part of a team that’s making a big difference to the lives of those we support.

Why not contact us for a chat?

Become a Trustee


We are looking for new trustees to join our team.
Our trustees are volunteers who give their time, skills and experience to oversee the general control and management and make a vital contribution to our work.

Our trustees come from all sorts of backgrounds with different skills but one thing they have in common is an enthusiasm to support and develop our organisation.

Ideally new trustees will be able to make a commitment of up to 8 meetings per year and have some experience in one or more of the following areas: Business, Management, Fundraising Employment law, Accountancy, Procurement, Marketing & PR, Education and Information Technology.

We are keen to achieve a more diverse board of trustees and welcome all applications.